

Benefits of Cold Pressed Juices for Kids:

  1. It is a very efficient way of massively increasing your child’s consumption of raw fruits and vegetables, especially if they don’t eat them regularly
  2. Cold-pressed juice is pretty much like a multivitamin, giving your child an immunity boost.
  3. Staying Disease Free: The nutrients in cold-pressed juice feed your body’s good bacteria, which further help suppress potentially pathogenic bacteria.
  4. The increased fibre they consume will improve their digestion.
  5. No added sugar, what could be better than that?

Kids 6pack juices come in our cute 250ml bottles or try them in the 375ml bottles for the bigger kids

  • 1 x Straight Valencia Orange
  • 1 x Pure Apple & Lemon
  • 1 x Watermelon Bliss
  • 1 x Strawberry Sunrise
  • 1 x Sweet Greens
  • 1 x Pink Dreams